Thursday, 10 April 2008

Please Welcome to the Stage...

I have aged by another year.

I am now older than my aunt was when I was born. That's depressing. Admittedly more so for her perhaps!

Has been a lovely day, full of surprises! I was truly touched to receive a lovely gift from my fabulous friend Jolee - I was completely blown away by her generosity...and I never thought I'd say that about book tokens (or rather - I never thought I'd really mean it!) Her present was my first surprise of the day, and the one I'll remember most from this year.

I got lots of other fantastic presents, money and flowers - and had some very charming birthday wishes from friends, which I managed not to hate. The messages were lovely, sarcastic, and in some cases vaguely insulting - which was the perfect antidote to what can sometimes be an unbearably saccharine occasion.

Was talking about On The Road today and may have to buy the Anniversary Edition of the book, which was published in full for the first time last year. I've (shamefully) only read the abridged version. I've put a YouTube link on my superwall of the inimitable Jack Kerouac reading an extract from his classic book. WATCH IT. He was truly marvellous.

In more egotistical news, I have just checked a website to try and find out what happened on 10th April 'in history' - and the first website said that nothing had. I emailed the site with the following message:

To Whom It May Concern,

Whilst searching your "significant dates in history" section I was disquieted - nay, dismayed - to discover that you have no entries listed for April 10th. It is a cruel, and frankly astonishing, oversight on the part of your selves to have left off a crucial event. On this day in 1986, the English seafaring town of Portsmouth witnessed the birth of the greatest writer to reside within the city's limits since Arthur Conan Doyle played for Pompey football team. (No offence to Graham Hurley...or Lillian Harry...or any other far more famous/successful/prolific authors from this precinct.) The wordsmith in question is Ms Katie Lawrence; a writer of limited talent and minimal experience who is probably not worthy of making your list of important dates at all, but who I still feel has been callously and undeservedly disregarded. I would be most grateful if you could amend your list to add Ms Lawrence's name.

Yours Sincerely,
Ms Katie Lawrence.

I shall probably regret sending that in the morning. Wonder if they'll reply? *sigh* This is the sort of garbage that will one day cause me to break the whole internet. (Fear of that very happenstance is also the reason I don't try and download anything complicated.)

I'm exhausted now, and hope to actually sleep for a change (though it's 3am already and I'm doing this whilst eating a sandwich, so that's probably not a good sign.)

Until the 'morrow.

(Tortoise included for creative merit. This means nothing to no one, but it made me smile today.)

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Signed, Sealed, and (Hopefully) Delivered

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